Friday, January 19, 2007

What's Up Doc?

We stayed near the dock in Tela, Honduras - a dock that is mainly used now just for fishing off the edge. It's old and rickity and crabs infested. But it gave us a great view of the sunset, the surrounding mountains, and the ocean. Plus we got to see local fisherman in action with just a fishing line and something tied to it.

Just a cool shot of some canoes and the dock.

At the end of the dock looking toward Tela.

Armando, Judy, and Marcela.

The ocean at dusk.

This was one of the fisherman pulling in his catch of the day.

Armando and Lance.

If you click on this picture and look at it large, it looks like Lance has been pasted on top of the background.
And this is just a cool shot we took from a bridge in Tela looking across to another bridge.

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