Friday, January 5, 2007

Armando Reunites with Friends and Family

Here are just a few of the people that Armando was able to see again after a long time.

Armando and his grandma Ana Rosa (mother's mother)

Armando and his friend Arnoldo.

Sergio and Armando.

This is the Mario and Karen Torres family. Mario spent a couple weeks with us in Utah earlier this fall. It was fun to meet his family.

Armando's best friend in high school Lesly and her husband Lenin. She was baptized recently and they are expecting their first baby. We had a great experience with them. They are very special people with very strong testimonies.
Here are some pictures with friends at Church:

The Pepe Torres family (Mario's brother). This young man is the stake president.

Armando's half sister Olga Cristina who is older than Armando and Ana. She has two children that both absolutely adored Marcela. They were so cute with her.

Armando, Olga Cristina, and Ana

Marcela and her great grandma. (Armando's paternal grandmother).

Marcela and great grandpa (Armando's paternal grandfather).

Armanod and cousins in La Ceiba (on his mom's side).

Armando and Daisy with the Escoto Family.

Armando with his dear cousin Juan Ramon who visited for New Years.

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