Sunday, January 28, 2007

Paradise: Roatan Island, Honduras

Of all that we saw on our adventures in Honduras, I must say that Roatan was the highlight for me. It's an island about an hour and a half off the northern coast. We took a boat ride there in the afternoon and returned the next afternoon - not near enough time for all there was to see. And we really didn't take a lot of pictures...we went to a village called West End at night to check out the restaurants and dancing on the beach. It was beautiful. But the real beauty was when we went to West Bay the next morning. I have never seen anything like it. This place is the best kept secret of Honduras and I kind of hope it stays that way. It's a great place to vacation especially because there aren't too many people.

This is a view of West Bay before we descended to the beach.

Marcela, hanging out in the shade before we went swimming.

We were both in heaven!
Aren't the colors amazing?!

Marcela and Aunt Judy swimming in the water. The boats in the area have glass bottoms so that you can take rides and look at the coral reef and all of the beautiful fish.
Marcela and Aunt Judy.
Armando getting ready to go snorkeling for the first time. I'll post snorkeling pictures when I get them from Lance - he had an underwater camera.
Lance enjoying the beach.
Judy in the shade.
I think this picture is a definite keeper!
Marcela loved the sand. I didn't get too many pictures of her because I had to stop her from eating the sand.

She was worn out by the end of the exploring and swimming.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I LOVE those pictures. I love to see babies sleeping, they look so sweet then. Well, they look sweet all the time.