Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tour 3: Cuero y Salado National Park

Our final tour was close to La Ceiba, Honduras in a National Park called "Cuero y Salado." We took about a half hour drive to the park and then went out on a boat into a river and lagoon area where we saw tons of wildlife.

This is one of many fields of pineapple we drove by to get to the national park.

We arrived at a very small town that had "train service" to the national park office. It was probably 5 or 6 miles in the train going about 15 miles an hour. The train was just two cars like the one you see above and ran on a tractor motor or something.

We rode through pretty countryside to get there and saw lots of birds and rural life.

This is at the national park dock. We stopped and had some famous "Valiadas" here. Valiadas are basically a quesadilla with refried beans. They're famous in the northern part of the country.

Lance at the dock.

This is a "bleeding tree." The guide says if you cut into this tree is gushes out a blood-like substance.

Can you see the gecko on this tree?

There were tons of turtles in the lagoon. This one was hilarious - he had his neck stretched out as far as he could "sunning himself."

This isn't a great shot, but it's an anteater. We just happened upon it and the tour guide was so amazed. He said in the 18 years he's given tours there, he'd never seen one and didn't even know they lived in the area.

We saw crocodiles and alligators of all sizes. Small....


And they can disappear in the blink of an eye.

When we returned to the station, there was a man taking a tied up crocodile back to the wild. They had found this one at the dock in La Ceiba chasing a dog - ready to eat it. YIKES!

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