Thursday, January 4, 2007

Honduras for Christmas - Marcela was the family highlight!

Well, the two weeks flew by just about as fast as the jet that flew us to and from Honduras. We have returned from a wonderful vacation of visiting family and friends and getting to know some absolutely gorgeous countryside. I decided to create a new blog just for the occasion and my goal is to add photos and tell about what we did a little at a time over the next few weeks. Time does not permit me to put everything together at once right now. At some point I hope to have a fun slide show with music and everything, but for now, this will have to do. I'll start from the beginning and go from there.

Marcela hanging out with Uncle Lance while waiting for our connecting flight in Houston.

We arrived on Wednesday the 21st at noon and went 100 mph until we returned. Besides the fact that everyone was really excited to finally have Armando back home for a visit, Marcela was also a big highlight. They adored her and all the cousins, aunts, and uncles, grandmas and friends loved holding her and getting as many smiles out of her as they could.

Marcela meets her great grandma Ana Rosa.

Armando's cousins loved playing with Marcela. Here she was laughing at the dog barking and had everyone laughing at her cute giggles.

Marcela with Aunt Judy (Armando's younger sister).

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