Friday, January 19, 2007

To Miami Honduras

Our second tour in Tela was to a unique little village called Miami which was located on a very small peninsula - on one side was the Caribbean and on the other was a fresh-water lagoon. You could walk from one side to the other within a minute. This little village was completely demolished during Hurricane Mitch, but was rebuilt afterwards.

A view of some little islands in the background called Cayos Cochinos. This was taken from a lookout pont before we arrived at the end of the peninsula.

Lance, Judy, and I went on this tour while Armando stayed back in Tela with Marcela, playing on the beach.

Our sister Lilly requested one thing of us while we were write her and Billy's names in the sand and take a picture of it. So Lance did...with a little humor.

We took a little raft ride through the canals and out into lagoon. We saw all kinds of wildlife.
There were tons of pelicans.

And blue herings (Dad you would have loved this tour!) It's a bird-watcher's paradise.

There were local villagers that make their living catching crab in the canal and lagoon and selling them. There were all kinds of little floaters that had traps at the bottom. We stopped and pulled one up and found some crab. Our tour guide bought a bunch from them and then on our way back we stopped by his place and he honked the horn. His wife came out and got them to make for dinner.

This is a white-faced monkey we saw in the mangroves. We pulled our boat up to the trees and watched them for awhile.

Again, a birdwatchers paradise. This is in the large-open part of the lagoon.

The branches of the trees there all grow toward the water. It's like something you would see on a creepy cartoon where all of the trees have fingers that are going to reach out and get you. When we would go through the little canals and there would be trees over us, the tour guide would say, if a green snake falls on you, don't worry, they're not poisonous - just throw it out of the boat - sometimes they fall from the trees. Luckily that didn't hapen - I would have died of heart-failure right there. But, if you look closely at this picture, you can see a little crab crawling up the tree branches from the water - it looks like a spider.

This is a little view of the village of Miami from the lagoon side.

And this is where the lagoon and the caribbean meet. Kind of crazy!

We had the most delicous lunch of fresh fried fish, rice and fried plantains. That was my favorite meal while we were there. The BEST fish I've ever had!

Judy enjoyed fresh coconut water with her meal.

And we all found a hammock to rest in before heading back to Tela.

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