Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Christmas Day Outing

The one part of Christmas that felt Christmasy to me was the relaxed lounging on Christmas day and just spending time with family...until we went outside and it was warm - then it felt a little more fourth-of-julyish. We took a late-afternoon outing to what I thought was just going to be a drive-by and look at a statue, but we actually had to walk a little ways to get it it. We enjoyed the walk and view of the city.

Marcela lounging at Grandma Rina's house on Christmas Day.
Marcela ready to go on a drive and walk to the Christ Statue.

We walked (not very far) to see the overlook point of the City at the Christ Statue called "El Picacho"

Ana, Judy, Rosa Maria. There were lots of people out enjoying the holiday.

Lance at the entrance to the Christ "El Picacho" statue.

Everyone inside the park (at the bottom of the statue).

Ana, Rosa Maria, Judy, and Doña Rina. (Armando's Sisters and Mom)

Cristo El Picacho.

Lance sitting on the wall overlooking the city.

After the outing we went to the most popular place in Honduras: Dunkin Donuts! There must be one on every corner. It's the strangest thing. Anyway, it's very popular. And Marcela loves sitting on anyone's shoulders and pulling their hair at full-force. She'd be good at bringing a galloping horse to a stop really fast!

Marcela playing with Aunt Ana at Dunkin Donuts.

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